Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Blog Post 8: Moxie Digital

 Moxie Digital is an internet marketing company that focuses on creating digital marketing plans for smaller to medium-sized companies. The founder: Jenni Millis, has years of experience with social media, mobile, paid advertising, analytics, and search engine optimization. Millis spoke about giving offering a customized campaign for their clients to help them grow their businesses. This is a unique product for an advertising company because many times companies use a universal marketing plan for all of their clients.

Millis discussed the importance of Google Ads and how they are imperative to growing a company and reaching an audience. Knowing how to utilize Google Ads and all of the services they offer optimizes the reach a company can have. The key to a successful Google ad is the right size of the image. "Choosing the wrong size will effectively limit how much reach your campaigns have. And if you’re trying to target a specific niche, this could make your ads ineffective altogether." As an advertiser its important to understand how the ad you are creating will show up on the platform that is used. Typically, the ad space you are buying will give dimensions to what they are looking for you. The ad you create should look well-spaced and planned out to that specific size.

I learned that Google usually splits up its ad spaces into three categories- Leaderboard, skyscraper, and square. Once you know how those ads are laid out it is easier to figure out the look of your ad. If you don't create an ad that fits in the correct measurements then you lose out on the impression. Sizing is especially important for mobile ads. Mobile devices are how most people see digital media and the ad needs to be universal across all platforms. "Statista reported that in 2022, the mobile advertising expenditure worldwide reached over $288B. An overwhelming 60% of that enormous spend came from mobile digital ad spending." The mobile advertising industry is only growing and advertisers need to learn how to create an effective ad that can be impressionable on a mobile device.

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