Saturday, October 22, 2022

Blog Post 7: Digital Marketing and Entrepreneurship

Andrew Mimault is the owner of a growth marketing firm named "Mantic Media Group." His company specializes in creating "successful paid search engine advertising campaigns, paid social advertising campaigns, attention-grabbing content, revenue-increasing processes, stunning branding, modern websites, and consulting." Mimault is very passionate about advertising and has always been an entrepreneur. He spoke about all the jobs and projects he did before being able to own his own business. A key takeaway I got from his presentation was that as an advertiser or someone in the business, you always have to keep evolving.

The marketing industry has evolved tremendously over the last decade. Mimault talked about the importance of being multifaceted in the industry. Having knowledge of Search engine optimization, social media, paid media, content marketing, programming, and data analytics. As an advertiser, studying and learning new skills is important to keep your career and servicing your clients. A useful tip I learned from his presentation was the resources for classes to expand your skill set. He spoke about the website called Hootsuite which is a social media management program that offers different classes to take on communication skills. Youtube, is also a free space where you're able to look up new skills and watch videos to learn.

Overall, Mimault inspired me to never stop learning and that hustling is a huge part of the advertising industry. Getting your foot in the door is hard, but the growth opportunities are worth it. Being able to sell yourself and your skills is very important in this business. There are always learning and growing opportunities, but it is up to you to take them.  Being successful also means you can never get comfortable because there is always evolution in the industry.

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