Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Blog Post #9- Bake More Pies

Bake More Pies has nothing to do with baking and all to do with marketing. BMP is an integrated digital marketing company based in Tampa, Florida. They focus on launching campaigns for their clients using the most up-to-date technology to get the best results. Last week, I visited BMP and was given a presentation about the company and the future of marketing. The presentation was very thorough and I learned what is needed to be successful in the digital marketing business. The most important things I learned were how to get a job and what to look for in your job search. As a fourth-year student graduating in two months, the BMP presentation gave me many tools in my job search.

Something to look for when applying to jobs is the culture of the company. A company's culture is referring to "describes the shared values, goals, attitudes and practices that characterize an organization. Aspects such as working environment, company policies and employee behavior can all contribute to company culture." The culture of marketing companies can make the work experience drastically different and it is important to figure out what work environment you are looking for when job hunting. Working in-house or for an agency is something that you should figure out first. The work and pace of the job are going to give you different experiences depending on where you are.

Another important factor is knowing how much you are worth salary-wise. Before interviewing for a job you should do research on the market you are applying in. A resource is PayScale which is a data program that gives you input on the different salaries in your area.  After the presentation, I looked up the salaries of the job positions I am applying for and now I have a realistic idea of what I should ask for when interviewing.

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