Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Blog Post 4- SEO in Media Mix

Search engine optimization is essential because an online presence draws people to a company's website. An effective search engine optimization is having your website be on the top of the search result page. Being one of the first results can drive traffic and expand consumer reach. SEO is an organic digital marketing tool. An organic search result attracts people to a website because it is seen as more trustworthy. An SEO is effective because it connects you to your audience when they are in search of your product. It is when the customer is looking for you and not you looking for the customer.

Keywords are an important part of an effective SEO marketing plan. Keywords are words a company chooses that make it possible for people to find a sight on the search engine. A company chooses specific keywords that relate to its product. When people use any of the keywords on their search the more a website matches the word the higher on the page the website appears. You want to choose the most effective keywords that have heavy traffic, but a low keyword difficulty. "You can use various SEO analysis tools that can help you perform an in-depth SEO Analysis to understand how well your SEO efforts are helping you generate leads." Analyzing the success of your SEO can look like examining your spam rating, internal and broken links, primary keywords, etc...

"A media mix is a marketing term for the combination of channels a business uses to meet its marketing goals. It can include billboards, email, websites, and social media. Businesses might refer to their marketing mix when thinking about how to hit future campaign goals." Adding an SEO strategy to the marketing mix can optimize website traffic and a more natural relationship with your consumer.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Blog Post 3- Digital Strategy


A digital media strategy for a business consists of using digital channels in company advertising and communication methods. Digital media channels include “search engine marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, display advertising, public relations and partner marketing.” Having a strategy for the business objectives helps to figure out which of the channels mentioned would be most efficient to use. Strategy is key to keeping on track and allocating resources to meet your business objectives and overcome challenges.

A strategic plan is based on research of the target market, market share, and competitors. “Digital strategies require the setting up of business goals and the initiation of campaigns, which can be anything from gaining more customers, raising brand awareness, lead generation, or boosting sales. These will ensure that monthly, daily and annual goals are being reached.” A part of a strategic plan is a timeline for evaluating the outcome metrics to see if goals are being met. If the strategy is not reaching the goals the business can shift its resources and create a new strategy that works best.

Paid, earned, and owned media are important tools in a digital media strategy to maximize impact. Paid media are the third parties a company pays to promote its product. An example would be an influencer you compensate for giving a review. Owned media are the digital channels it uses to promote its product. Earned media is the organic promotion of a product from users that were never paid. Earned media can consist of reviews or user-generated content. Utilizing these media channels can broaden the awareness of a brand and obtain the business objectives.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Blog Post 2- Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is a detailed profile of your target audience. The persona is fictional but based on research that has been done on your desired audience. The persona profile will have demographics, geographics, behavioral traits, goals, challenges, marketing messages, etc. A great idea to understand your persona better is to create a mood board for them. This aids in visualizing your target persona and seeing your research come to life. Understanding your buyer persona aids in the marketing process by understanding who you're speaking to and where to put the message.

Understanding your audience allows a business to tailor its marketing messages to increase visibility and convert views to sales. The marketing message will be more successful if targeted at the consumer who is most interested in your product or service. In the persona, you can see where your audience tends to frequent including the sites they visit and what they like to view. "Personas give you the information and perspective you need in order to make objective decisions about how to craft your brand messages through the most consumed and widely accepted formats like videos, social media posts, and articles” (Digital Marketing institute). Without understanding who you are speaking to your message will not come across effectively. 

In my digital media college class, I created a buyer persona. I had a client and I put together a profile for their target audience along with a mood board. I enjoyed making the mood board because it made visualizing the consumer much easier and it showed me the research I put in paid off.  I was able to see my research come to life and apply it to the marketing model. Creating a persona also makes it easier to show your client the work and research you put together for their marketing plan.