Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Blog Post 2- Buyer Personas

A buyer persona is a detailed profile of your target audience. The persona is fictional but based on research that has been done on your desired audience. The persona profile will have demographics, geographics, behavioral traits, goals, challenges, marketing messages, etc. A great idea to understand your persona better is to create a mood board for them. This aids in visualizing your target persona and seeing your research come to life. Understanding your buyer persona aids in the marketing process by understanding who you're speaking to and where to put the message.

Understanding your audience allows a business to tailor its marketing messages to increase visibility and convert views to sales. The marketing message will be more successful if targeted at the consumer who is most interested in your product or service. In the persona, you can see where your audience tends to frequent including the sites they visit and what they like to view. "Personas give you the information and perspective you need in order to make objective decisions about how to craft your brand messages through the most consumed and widely accepted formats like videos, social media posts, and articles” (Digital Marketing institute). Without understanding who you are speaking to your message will not come across effectively. 

In my digital media college class, I created a buyer persona. I had a client and I put together a profile for their target audience along with a mood board. I enjoyed making the mood board because it made visualizing the consumer much easier and it showed me the research I put in paid off.  I was able to see my research come to life and apply it to the marketing model. Creating a persona also makes it easier to show your client the work and research you put together for their marketing plan.

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