Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Blog Post #8- What I Learned from EOTO

In the Each One Teach One presentations in class today I learned about many revolutionary inventions. One in particular that was vital to the communication technologies we have now, was the invention of the telephone by Alexander Grahm Bell. The telephone was invented on February 14th, 1876. What was interesting to me, was the Bell was not the first inventor to try and invent the telephone.

An inventor Johann Reis was the first person to construct a technology that was similar to the telephone. He did not take credit for inventing the telephone because it was only able to communicate one way. Antonio Meucci was the second inventor of the telephone in 1874, he did not have enough money to afford the patent.

Bell was almost not the inventor to get the patent for the telephone. Two hours before Bell filed for the patent inventor, Elisha Grey filed for the telephone patent. The patent was given to Bell. This caused him to be involved in hundreds of lawsuits, five of them made it to the Supreme Court.

Bell not only received the patent for the telephone he also was the founder of AT&T . Bell's invention was the foundation for the technology that we use today

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