Friday, April 23, 2021

Blog Post #7- Anti War Voices

As I went through ANTIWAR.COM I was shocked at all the articles that have been written. I was mainly shocked because I had never heard of anything that was written. Honestly, the first time I heard that our country could potentially go to war with Russia was in my Media Law and Ethics class. My professor was the first person to bring this up to me and I watch the news frequently. Now, I make sure to look up specifically the U.S. foreign affair news. I only kept up with news that was happening in the country and I think that my social media pages and google news followed that trend. They never put any foreign affairs news on my timeline.

I think that we have to search up foreign affairs news on our own because the government does not want to give any attention to it. Strong anti-war voices are censored because of how society would react. If people were to read a very strong one-sided opinion it could cause fear in people. Fear can lead to violence and protests. It causes a further divide in our country. Anti-war voices inform people of what the government is really doing. The government also does not want people to investigate and look further into what the U.S. is doing in other countries. The government would not be able to get away with as much if people were really informed about what America is doing overseas.

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