Monday, March 29, 2021

Blog Post #2- Supreme Court

Before entering this class I did not have much knowledge about the Supreme Court. I knew they are the highest court in our country. I only understood the Supreme Court from what I had seen on television. After actively learning about the Supreme Court I now know that if a case is made in front of the Supreme Court it is a major issue. I was shocked to find out that thousands of cases are sent to the Supreme Court a year and only less than one hundred are ever argued in front of the justices. I also did not know that there were nine justices sitting in on one case and it takes months for them to all agree on a decision to give the court.  The process of coming to a decision is very interesting and extensive. Before watching the video I thought the judges got together and came to the decision in one day. I learned that there is extensive paperwork involved and the justices change their opinions quite a few times before coming to the final verdict. After watching the video I have much more respect for the Supreme Court and I learned many of their cases do set precedent for future cases.

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