Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blog Post #5- Living in the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has progressed over the years and has become an extremely powerful tool used by the government and large companies.  Britannica describes AI as “the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.”  AI has many positive benefits to society, like cancer treatments and solving crime. But AI can be a scary technology that blurs the lines of privacy. As I was watching the In the Age of AI film in class I became frightened and shocked. 

I became especially nervous when the video started to speak about how AI is used in China and in other countries. AI is used to control people and get them to do what the government wants.  It made me wonder how AI is used in America to find out information on citizens without them knowing. Seeing what is going on in other countries worries me about what AI will be used for in the future in America.

Not only am I worried about AI infringing on our privacy rights I am also worried about it cutting jobs. Many people have already lost their jobs because of AI and if AI keeps evolving I wonder what professions are next. Seeing this film made me research more jobs that technology could not do with my degree. I am curious as to how AI can affect the communication field.

Overall, AI is a groundbreaking technology that has major effects on humans. I think that AI can be very useful and have a positive effect on society. AI can also be used as a dangerous weapon against people if it is used incorrectly. The government and large corporations need to be more transparent about what they use AI technology for. I'm frightened and curious to see how AI will develop and what it will be used for in the future.

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